Who need earplugs?

Who Should Wear Ear Plugs?

The politically correct answer is everybody, but in reality, we understand that not everyone has the tolerance to Wear Ear Plugs or in-ear music devices and we are okay with that.

For those who are active users of earplugs or are considering using them, the best way to convey the serious nature of protecting your ears is paramount.

If you ride motorcycles, work in loud environments, are a frequent concert goer, perform in a band, shoot weapons, or a myriad of other lifestyle choices, you can only benefit by wearing a form of hearing protection while you partake in any of these activities.

But the question arises, “Why should I wear ear plugs?”

The answer is not always straightforward.

If you analyze what we are as a species and how our thought processes work you can enlighten yourself on why so many of us suffer from fully preventable damage to our ears.

The disconnect in our perception of hearing damage

From our distant ancestors up to our current forms, we naturally understand immediacy and it is in our nature to understand that things such as broken bones, cuts and other forms of degradation that produce the immediate result of blood, pain, or death.

These experiences are in our brains translate into lessons learned and ultimately changed habits that reduce the risk of having those negative consequences happen again. However, we are not always the most responsible with factors that contribute to the long-term degradation of our bodies and do not register immediately.

How Hearing Damage Occurs

Hearing damage, and the consequences that arise from a lifetime of poor hearing protection arise just like the habits that lead to cardiovascular disease, obesity or fatty livers.

The damage comes from a lack of attention and either inaction on the part of the individual even after receiving warnings or due in part to total ignorance of the consequences of one’s actions.

As in every aspect of human life, we must take hold of our habits and build positive habits into our lifestyles. Just being on this site and reading these words is the first step, what follows is up to you whether you choose to make hearing conservation a consistent part of your life or not lies in your hands.

Who Should Not Wear Ear Plugs?

As much as we would love to say that custom earplugs are for everybody, the truth is they are not.

We are constantly faced with individuals who cannot wear earplugs due to sensitivity in the ear or just simply do not want to have anything in their ears while living their lives and taking part in activities that cause hearing damage and we understand.

From experience, we find that our most fulfilled customers are those who do their research and take the time to educate themselves on hearing conservation and make the decision to purchase a set of earplugs or stereo earplugs based on their findings.

On the flip side, we find that our most dissatisfied customers are those who either were forced by friends or family to purchase a set.

As a result, they may have won the ear plugs in raffles or drawings and we have concluded that hearing health and conservation is not something that can be forced, it is a long process to fully integrate into the habit of protecting oneself.

We ourselves struggle at times to be perfect with our protection. However, as is understood in psychology, recognition of the problem is the first step to resolving the issue and we have dedicated our life work to recognizing and eliminating the devastating effects of noise-induced hearing loss.

How to chose the right earplugs.

Take a minute to look at the graph. Awareness, Research, Purchase, Advocacy; a seemingly straightforward approach to finding the perfect Custom Ear Plugs for you. But, what does it mean? When you shop for anything nowadays, it is common to hop on the World Wide Web, pull up a couple reviews, and make a quick decision.

Yet, where does that leave you? Are you happy with your purchase when it arrives? Did you miss out on someone working with your best interests in mind? Does the product fit? What if it doesn’t?

Custom Earplug Buying Cycle Infographic

Custom Ear Plugs Buying Cycle

Finding the right hearing protection is a process. What works for one person, is not a fix for someone else. You need to take the time to ask questions, discuss your needs, and have a conversation about your hearing rather than buying the first item that pops up online.

Big Ear, Inc. was created with the sole purpose of helping our customers find the perfect solution for their hearing protection the first time. I personally offer to guide you through our products and solutions in order to get it right. Consider the Chinese proverb: ‘if you give a man a fish, you’ll feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.’ Our solution is the same; you can buy earplugs and attempt to correct your problem, or you can learn from the experts in hearing loss prevention and walk away with a lifetime skill that not only saves your hearing but helps you save the hearing of others. If you read on, I promise to make you a proud fisherman. I’ll give you the answers to hearing protection that no one else will or can.


How can I find the best hearing protection for me?Looking back at the graph, we start with awareness. You woke up today with an issue that did not exist yesterday. Now it is up to you to look into your options in correcting the problem. Add it to your to-do list and check the box, so to speak.


Here is where it gets interesting. Your first thought is to look to the internet. You may or may not know about earplugs and hearing protection. You might ask Siri, “Why are my ears ringing?” or search using phrases such as “my ears hurt from the concert,” or “what is the ringing in my ears?”

You list your symptoms and find yourself, most likely, on Amazon’s pages. This is research; as you are working to make sense of what you need. Though Amazon has fantastic benefits, the company has created a culture of mini-stores capitalizing on the ability to misrepresent products. Their sellers make money by telling stories. The better the story; the higher their sales. It’s the old snake-oil salesman and unfortunately, until you have been stung and he is run out of town, he’ll say whatever he needs to in order to make a dollar. Let’s take a stand together and run him out of town. Turn to, instead, the expert in hearing protection.

Big Ear ResearchI’ve spent over 15 years helping hundreds of thousands of people get the exact solution they need. Don’t fall victim to the social media myth that ‘if it’s in print, then it must be true.’ The irony here is that I’m doing just that. Sitting at a computer, writing my story, in order to convince you to spend money on my product. Yet, here is where I differ. I want to help you uncover the truth and find the perfect solution to your problem. We want to pick up the phone and talk with you or meet you at a convention and listen. I don’t want to sell you anything until I hear YOUR story.

Learn How to Research Correctly

First, start by following the money. Companies pay high-dollar for ads related to their keywords. Type in any phrase: 10 best earplugs, best style earplugs, cheapest earplugs, Custom Ear Plugs, best earplugs…you get the idea.

Now, right click on any of the links that appear and open that site in a new tab. Scroll through the site. You’ll see their products and made up comparisons. Now in the final step, scroll to the bottom. You’ll see that there is no listed authority regarding their products. Clicking on a product most often redirects you to the affiliate website like Amazon or the earplug superstore. These are ad pages where everyone gets paid by you clicking on the link. They aren’t experts; they simply have really good content writers working on their behalf.

Missing from these ads are real testimonials. Now you’re getting frustrated. You are still on a mission to research and find the best product to resolve your issue. You’re learning that buying earplugs isn’t as simple as you thought. My goal is to make this easier for you, so first let’s break down the categories of hearing protection earplugs.

There are 3 general categories of earplugs:

  • Who knew there were 3 different kinds of earplugs?Solid full stop earplugs come in a variety of styles, material, and have various NRRs (Noise Reduction Ratings). You can choose from wax, soft vinyl, heat, and molds, do it yourself styles, and more.
  • Filtered earplugs typically reduce sound through a sound reduction mesh that allows sound in. When shopping for filtered earplugs it is important to recognize what you are buying. Often companies say they can filter out damaging sounds. The problem is that they may be filtering out the wrong types of sounds leaving your hearing unprotected. Check the products certifications to learn what sound is precisely reduced. I recommend using a sound meter (available here) to take a reading of what you need to be protected.
  • Communication earplugs allow your hearing protection and full, clear communication or audio via a communication hookup like a radio, walkie-talkie, or Bluetooth device.


Once you understand the categories, you’ll need to figure out the size and fit. For the reason that the onus on you if it doesn’t fit? Sure. They’re simply selling the product. Once it arrives on your doorstep, it’s out of their hands; they have their dollar. You may be able to return it, but that includes the hassle of boxing, shipping, labeling, and extra fees as well as your time. I promise you, the more you research you do, you’ll end up finally seeking out Custom Ear Plugs.

I'm going to try these earplugsCustom Ear Plugs are available in any of the 3 categories. (Beware here that there are many companies that offer a material that you mix, heat up or just jam in the ear bowl). They say they are custom but they have a generic end on them and THIS is not Custom Ear Plugs as there is no seal down in the ear canal. It looks lit it might do something but it doesn’t, Read the NRR ratings, most are not certified or even have any data, just claims.

It seems like the bonus with a true Custom Ear Plugs is that they are perfectly molded to your ears. The time investment in getting this step right is minimal but a large reason why generic styles fail. Your ear canal is unique. A one-size-fits-all plug won’t protect your hearing.

Most noteworthy, Big Ear, Inc. Custom Ear Plugs are made perfectly just for you so you don’t have to guess at what noise reduction ratings are and what the sound reduction is. They fit within seconds. On paper, the upfront cost may be a little more, but if you take into consideration generic sets that have to be replaced after so many uses or the unknown factors of noise filtration, the cost is much less.


AdvocacyThe final step is where you become the fisherman who eats for a lifetime. If you’ve gotten this far, you may want to share your experience. You’re aware of the problem, you’ve researched to find the best earplug available, you’ve made your purchase, and now understand why Custom Ear Plugs are best. It’s human nature to want to share with others so you become an advocate for hearing loss prevention. Tell your story and see where it takes you.

People of all ages have been exposed to a variety of unsafe sound levels unless they’ve lived in a silent box for their lives. Stadium noise, marching bands, industrial sounds, concerts, recreational hunting, and motorcycling. All these noises come into our lives and affect our hearing. By spreading the word and sharing your success story, you can help prevent someone else from suffering the same way you have.

Final Thoughts

As a parting thought, I’ll leave you with an example: Marching bands or concerts usually run around 100-120 dBs. Using 2 different hearing protection devices, readings were taken and over 500 tests were performed to see what protection was gained. Considering that OSHA says hearing damage occurs at 85 decibels and above, at an average of 112 decibels during these music events, you will damage your hearing. And that’s only if generic solutions manage to get the size right so the product fits in your ear correctly.

My promise to youSo take the time to do your research and have a conversation with me. I’ve stood on the fields of marching bands and taken readings. We’ve been at bike rallies and tested the sound levels. Putting myself in the shoes of my customers in order to find the solution to their exact needs. Take a look at my competitors, and tell me if they’ve done the same, look at the guarantees and certifications. I promise you, they haven’t.

So here is my promise to you if you made it this far, reach out to me and I will help you get the solution right the first time. I have personally helped over 250,000 people find a solution that works, and I will help you too.

Furthermore just contact me here below and let me know the situation that you are trying to resolve and I will walk you through a solution.

Big Ear USC Marching Band

Glenn Hood speaks to a student at the University of South Carolina.


I just read this latest article about, Daniel Derricutt, 24 from the UK who claimed his Bose Earphones caused Tinnitus and this caused his suicide. How to Prevent Tinnitus and how really bad is this?

How can Tinnitus Cause Suicide?

In the US it is tough to get real data and stories as so much is covered up and never published, but I would like to thank his family for maybe helping others who will wake up or have an event (Called Tinnitus), that is a life changer for good. Check the full story here.


More Tinnitus Stories:

I was going along, and life was great, and then it happened.

I took medication and the next day I awoke with someone blowing a high pitched whistle in my head.  Make it go away!!!!! (Sam H)

I went to the orchestra, and it was a fantastic evening but seemed extra loud tonight, I heard a pop then the screaming ringing started, “Oh my god what has just happened,” I can’t sleep, can’t go to work my life is totally different. (Betty G)

The playoff football game was amazing, “We won state!”

The trumpet player behind me blasted his horn in my ear, and something cracked badly, and now I have a sound of some kind of super loud crickets or locust in my head, It’s not in my ear, it in my head. It’s not fun being a Cheerleader now. The noise won’t stop what am I going to do? I’m a senior and got a scholarship to Cheer in college, and now I can’t stand the noise from the band any longer. (Ginger A)

My Tinnitus Story:

I have heard stories like this over the last 15 years, and I understand as one day in November 1987 as a 275lb bodybuilder. I had a little bit of a rash from the gym, and a pharmaceutical rep friend of mine said he had the perfect cure. It was a new antibiotic called Floxin, and it surely would take care of this rash and anything else I might have. So I got a prescription for it, and wow did I feel better in about three days. Rash was clearing up, and even helped a bronchitis issue that I was having. About the 4th day in that’s when it happened.

I was in my office listing to the radio, and I heard an audible crack and all the sudden a super high pitch sound started. Are you kidding me, What the hell is this?

I can’t think, my stomach felt ill as I could not shake it and me in superhuman shape, now a disabled person that no one can see. I can’t stand loud noises; conservations are harder to hear as I have to listen over the sound of this screaming in my head. It was not in my ear; it was in the front temple area of my head.

I tried everything I could read about and get my hand’s on. I can tell you that so many nights I would lay in bed and the sound was unbearable.

Researching Tinnitus:

We did not have Google back then, and it was tough to find information about tinnitus, (still not in a better spot today.)

Here is some of the research if you are starting this personal nightmare that you will have to cope with or endure.

Described by some as screeching, by others the call of cicadas, or the millions of variations that Tinnitus can take form while the condition itself is unpleasant and unfortunate for those who must live productive and happy lives while coping with it. Some patients turn to antidepressants and doctor prescribed medications See here for the complete list (Mayo Clinic) Others seek to find a holistic approach to curing their tinnitus (Tinnitus Advisor).

Many others choose to live with the pain and find ways to cope and live long and fulfilled lives supplemented by relaxation therapy, meditation, sound therapy.

Oh, the many tinnitus support groups that meet on a regular basis who work to alleviate the social anxiety of the disorder and help sufferers feel that they are not alone. But as a 31-year sufferer of the condition, I can say that living with this unbearable noise in my head is something not to be taken lightly.

I would be doing a disservice to those who are at risk of suffering from this terrible disease if I did not list precautionary measures to take during your everyday lives. I have put together a list of habits and actions that anyone who believes they are at risk for tinnitus can follow to ensure that they do not live a life of pain and just learn how to prevent Tinnitus.

Habit 1: How to Prevent Tinnitus

The most obvious way to prevent tinnitus from occurring is by simply wearing tinnitus earplugs while at concerts, at work(even if you do work in an office building) or anywhere in your life where decibel levels cause you discomfort. Wearing hearing protection does come with a stigma it does, and as the owner of a concert earplugs and hearing conservation company for 15 years I can say that there is a perception that those who choose to wear earplugs are weaker than others.

This is not true! Taking the measures to protect your hearing; even if it does mean hearing it from your buddies or getting sideways looks from strangers. These measures will set an example in your small community and just like measures of influencers interacting to cause sweeping societal change.

The act of you wearing hearing protection as a single person will have an impact on your community and may cause others to do the same. But You’ll never know if you don’t try.

Habit 2: Use a Sound Meter (Dosimeter)

What once was a gigantic probe looking button that could be confused for a phaser weapon from Star Trek has been downsized into an app. We all have access to the knowledge of the noise around us, and it is one download away. Here is a resource for some of the best apps that will turn your iPhone into a proper dosimeter. (Best Dosimeter Apps).

What the sound level meter will do is allow you to get your mind around the levels that you are subjected to on a daily basis. Whether it be your daily commute on the train, bus, cab, or car, the sound level in your workplace, or just the noise level at your local park. Understanding the levels that you’re subjected to every day will free your mind from the unknown. After writing this, it sounds like analyzing sound levels and wearing earplugs means you are only a few more steps from hunkering down in a bunker and eating rationed food on How to Prevent Tinnitus.

However, if you can keep this proportionate and only measure the areas that you feel are at risk for you and your loved ones, you can keep from becoming paranoid and putting tin foil on your head to keep the government from probing your mind.

We uncovered the power of these meters when attending college marching band rehearsals and DCI (Drum core International) workshops to analyze the absurd decibel levels that students aged 16 to 25 are subjected to on a daily basis.

The sound meters on our phones tracked saved and allowed us to review the doses that these students experienced and gave us accurate readings that showcased the need for protection in these loud environments and moved us closer to a deeper understanding of the way in which decibels affect musicians.

Dosimeters are a great tool to have on hand and will only work to improve your knowledge of the world around you and how noise is affecting you on a daily basis. This leads us to the next step in preventing tinnitus.

Habit 3: Educate Yourself About How to Prevent Tinnitus

Just like flipping open your phone to check your daily new source each morning or crinkling the newspaper at the breakfast table.

Read up on the happenings in the world, and there are hundreds of excellent resources to learn from in the realm of hearing conservation that will begin to educate you on the topic of hearing health. Listed here are a few of the best for How to Prevent Tinnitus. (Hearing Health Center)(Science Daily)

Just like any other area of life, the only way to get better is to educate yourself and apply that knowledge to everyday habits.

What these resources will allow you to do that as they are on the cutting edge of hearing conservation research.  They consistently update their sites with an in-depth and scientifically backed study that is continuously furthering human understanding of how our hearing interacts with the world.

Plus the factors that determine our quality of hearing as we progress through the stages of our lives including brain health, diet, and mental health. These resources will not only provide you with scientific studies and information and, How to Prevent Tinnitus.

It will also equip you with actionable steps to take to prolong your hearing health and improve the quality of your life. As you educate yourself, find the things that work for you and disregard the rest, as we know most things are subjective.

I do not consider the expert’s opinion to be the only way to solve your personal hearing protection issue. Now, this leads to my fourth and final suggestion

Habit 4: Plan ahead plan for health

In your life, habits are formed and then set in place after taking in all the factors.

As we all know about taking care of our health against the significant preventable diseases including diabetes and certain cardiovascular diseases as well as liver and lung health we can as humans take these positive steps forward to prevent our ears from being damaged which leads to tinnitus and other ear-related diseases.

Taking healthy and positive steps forward to prevent these related diseases puts a barrier between yourself and a life of discomfort. Incorporating these habits relayed above into your daily life will provide you with the freedom to choose your destiny.

If you decide to monitor your surroundings, wear hearing protection and continue to further your understanding of how the human ear and how your overall human chemistry interacts with the environments that you spend the majority of your time in you will empower yourself to have a happier and healthier life.

How to Prevent Tinnitus and how to find the right earplug

Learn how to choose the best earplugs.

If you’re like most people, you didn’t wake up this morning thinking, “I’ve got to buy some earplugs!” I know because that’s what happened to me. How will I find the best ear Plugs for my ears? 

One day I woke up with painful ringing in my ears. I was desperate to do whatever it took to ease my pain, so I began searching for anything that might help.

My journey took me through the depths of the of hearing protection industry where I uncovered all their secrets. I hope that sharing them with you will help you as much as it did for me.

Our Story of how we created the best ear plug.

Through my research, I realized that my hearing was deteriorating. I was also finding it more difficult to hear my family when they spoke to me. Desperate for some answers, I begin searching for information everywhere I could find it.

After a long and frustrating process, I had educated myself on the effects of hearing loss and was on the hunt to find the best earplugs in the market.

The situation looked bleak. Most products on the market were ineffective. So, I decided to make a change and provide the hearing protection industry with the products they so desperately needed.

I began my foray into the hearing protection industry in 2003 to create the Best Ear Plugs.

This was a difficult undertaking because, at that time, it wasn’t “cool” to protect your hearing. Even the industry itself didn’t acknowledge many of the alarming effects of hearing loss.

Over the years, we’ve met and served more than 250,000 customers at over 500 events around the world. During this time, I made a pact with myself that I’d make the process of understanding earplugs and hearing damage easier to understand.

Now in 2018, after 15 years of blood, sweat, and tears, I believe it is time to educate the public about the best earplugs and hearing protection practices.

Below is our guide to the best earplugs for hearing loss prevention.

The Basics of Earplugs

What is an ear plug? Ear plugs are defined by Merriam Webster as a device of pliable material for insertion into the outer opening of the ear (to keep out water or deaden sound). We will help you on the quest to fully inform you on how to get the best ear plugs.

Earplugs have a long and interesting past of innovation and refinement.

Beginning with the legend of Odysseus, using beeswax to protect his men from the sirens’ song to the 1900s when Max Negwer’s company Ohropax created the first wax earplug.

After Max and Cecilia Benner brought early moldable clay and silicone earplugs to the market, the National Research Center (NRC) followed with Ross Gardner Jr.’s EAR (Energy Absorption Resin).

Max and Cecilia Benner along with Ross Gardner Jr. laid the foundation for the current generation of hearing protection earplugs. We now have foam, triple flange, heat molded, two-part mix, and even custom earplugs. But this variety also presented a challenge.

The decision on how to chose the best ear plug will be based on urgency, accessibility, and budget.

Urgency: You need to deal with this problem now and quickly resolve the issue.

Accessibility: How easy is it to solve my issue?

Budget: Will it be a one-time issue or one that will incur an ongoing expense? Many cheap solutions may not be the best ear plugs, but are costly when used long term.

There’s more to finding proper hearing protection devices than browsing websites and buying any kind of earplug.

By conducting proper research, you can make an intelligent decision based on suitable choices.

These are all viable options because most current technology is based on earlier concepts. Understanding the evolution of earplugs is essential to determine the best ear plugs that will suit your hearing protection needs.

Most earplug websites typically offer a one-size-fits-all solution that’s not unlike buying a burger at a drive-thru. But in a world where anything can be delivered to your door within two days, how can you blame the typical consumer?

However, in the hearing protection market, it’s far more than how attractive the product looks. In our world, words like NRR (Noise Reduction Rating), dB (Decibel), SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), and noise canceling is a common language and most companies expect you to know what they’re talking about. This is one of the most challenging problems in our industry.

It’s our goal to remedy this by providing you with straightforward information with no strings attached. It’s our mission to ensure you leave this site knowing which hearing protection is the right choice for you. In the words below, we’ve outlined an easy to follow guide to empower you to make the right choice.

Big Ear Best Ear Plugs

The Different Types of Hearing Protection

There are three basic types of hearing protection available:

Earplugs, Full Stop or Full Block Earplugs

The most popular types of hearing protection are commonly known as fomies, squeezees, triple flange, and many more. They’re traditionally the one-size-fits-most solution.

They also come in different sizes from very small to extra-large and vary enormously in comfort. The attenuation (sound blocking number) is also not consistent.

They’re extremely difficult to insert correctly, therefore, it’s almost impossible to get the correct NRR on the package without a lot of trial and error. This is why there are so many different shapes, colors, styles, and size options.

If you’re like most people, you probably have a hard time with these earplugs. They don’t fit your ear correctly, they get dirty and unsanitary quickly, and must be replaced after a few times of use. We have found that usually, one size fits all solution does not work and usually not the best ear plugs.

If this sounds like you, you would benefit from a custom hearing protection device that fits perfectly, protects your hearing, and will be usable for many years, We have found that custom hearing protection is usually the best Ear Plugs.

Read on to find out more information about custom hearing protection solutions.

Filtered Earplugs

These are more specialized products for people with more specific hearing, communication, and sound reduction requirements.

They’re the same product in the earplug category with all the different shapes, sizes, and functionality. They’re used to hear the sound, communication, and music at reduced levels.

But there are still the typical issues — they don’t fit, they aren’t comfortable, and usually, they’re ineffective. This is because the NRR on the package is often misleading. Filtered earplugs typically don’t reach the recommended dB reduction levels. So even if you are wearing them, your hearing is still at risk.

To sum it up, the main issue for wearers is that their hearing is still at risk even when wearing the earplug. It’s money spent on a product that is neither comfortable or effective hearing protection.

Here is a Custom filter hearing protection unit and we have found that this is the best ear Plugs.

Communication Ear plugs

Communication ear plugs are primarily for communication devices that use Bluetooth and other transmitting methods. They also encompass sound blocking earplugs and devices used by military and law enforcement units.

There are several different sizes, shapes, ear tip configurations, and use applications. Consider the size and shape of your ear canal and how much irritation and hearing loss you want to suffer. We have found them not to be the best ear plugs.

Custom ear plugs that are made perfectly to your ear is an exact model of your ear canal that is wearable all day and in all weather conditions. it gives you precise sound reduction with all-day comfort.

Now that you know the differences, let’s explore what’s available.

Know Yourself

We now turn from a history lesson to self-analysis.

Today, most educated customers understand there are hundreds, if not thousands, of hearing protection products on the market.

You, as an educated consumer, need to understand your own needs and what product might best suit those needs.

Ask yourself what situation do you find yourself in? Are you a musician that needs to protect your hearing? Are you a swimmer that needs to keep your ears dry?

A soldier that needs to protect his hearing from gunfire? Or maybe an average joe that enjoys the best quality sound from an earpiece. Only you can know for sure.

In our experience, people do the best with a custom hearing protection solution as it is the Best Ear Plugs solution that gives you the best quality protection with the most comfort. Each time you use it the sound reduction is exactly the same and this is a safety issue not found with a generic ear plug. It will last for years and you’ll even forget it’s in your ear!

Now that you know the differences between the different types of hearing protection devices, let’s explore what’s available today.

The Foamies, Waxies, and Putties

We’ll begin with the most well-known product in the personal hearing protection market — the roll and stick plug.

Generic Earplugs

If you need a more in-depth analysis, click on this link (the earplug guide), a great page that provides specs and reviews of the best foam wax and putty earplugs on the market.

Foam, wax, and putty earplugs are the solution for many people as they provide an easy-to-use, disposable material that you roll, stick in your ear, and get on with your day.

But what about those of us who have ears that are too small or experience irritation with roll and forget earplugs? Or those of us who need more efficient hearing protection or frequency reductions?

Roll and forget earplugs have their uses, although they are far from the best ear plug solution. This leads us to the next primary market for personal hearing protection.


The Generic Tech Earplugs

The generic tech earplugs like to sound cutting edge with their buzzwords and marketing. However, once you understand the truth, the iron curtain comes crashing down.

Tec earplugs 1

Often sold in the TV, camera, and camcorder markets, these hearing protection devices use phrases such as high definition, high fidelity, or noise canceling to get your attention.

While these terms are not misleading in themselves, they are when associated with most earplugs and hearing protection devices.

What the companies mean (And what they don’t tell you) is that these “technologies” reduce the sound by a certain level if you can get them incorrectly, and allow the rest of the music to enter through the thin earplug material.y. 

However, these products seek to reduce unwanted sound externally and allow the user to listen to their headphones or headset at a lower, more isolated environment. Or to reduce noise in a specific loud environment and still be able to hear certain levels of sound. Again we have found that this is not the best ear plug.

The secret is that It blocks all frequencies equally!

So getting high fidelity while blocking out sound is impossible.

Bottom line is that reducing sound is not High Fidelity.

Not even close.

The Best Ear Plugs in Custom: The Workhorses

Big Ear's Best Ear Plugs

These are the filtered and non-filtered earplugs that allow employees in large-scale industrial facilities and manufacturing plants to protect their hearing but still be connected to their environment.

In this market, you’ll find products ranging from the universal  3m foamy plug to perforated (earplugs with holes), and filtered earplugs with holes that can be plugged to protect one’s hearing in loud environments.

These products are for hardworking individuals who work in extremely loud and uncomfortable working conditions. These men and women know their hearing is one of their greatest assets and helps them complete the job.

These products also work very well for musicians and those who become sound sensitive. Who would have thought that a factory worker and a world-class musician would use the similar equipment?

We did. And that’s why we developed a separate line of hearing protection products specifically for musicians. This leads us to our next category.

Musician Earplugs

Big Ear The One Premium

In the world of musicians, the choice of hearing protection is as important as the choice of the instrument.

Products range from vented earplugs to high fidelity earplugs and musician transducers with prices varying across the board. The key is to choose an option that provides protection while also superior sound and clarity while playing.

The choice of a product varies from musician to musician. In our world, a general rule of thumb is to narrow your choice of protection based on your interest in music. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a dedicated musician planning a world tour, this will determine which product you purchase.

Another factor that contributes to your choice of hearing protection is your budget. This is one of the reasons why we recommend custom-fit solutions that offer a balance of affordability, longevity, and effectiveness. This is what makes them the Best Ear Plugs.

Transducers and Speakers

Custom Bluetooth Motorcycle Headset {convertible to wired instantly}

In the world of custom hearing protection (earplugs), and musician hearing protection, the transducer is the big dog.

The transducer is the power behind our products and literally the music to our ears. However, in the world of generic headphones, speakers rock the block and can provide you with what you need.

The keyword here is application and intended use. If you haven’t caught on yet, the common trend of this article is that hearing protection is subjective and what works wonders for some may be wrong for others.

With transducers vs. speakers, subjectivity is the same. However, what I can guarantee is both will give you music out of the hole and into your ear. The difference is the way the sound is moved.

A speaker uses air to move sound, and a transducer can be sealed and moves sound through electromechanical mechanisms. This applies directly to hearing conservation and why companies like us use transducers rather than speakers to ensure that users of our products are effectively protecting their hearing.

However, if you’re interested in simply using headphones and don’t wish to protect your ears, speakers will be sufficient.

Custom Hearing Protection

All Big Ear Earplugs

We finally step into our wheelhouse.   In the custom hearing protection market, innovation occurs at light speed. The market lines up directly with the tech market and products and services innovate and change on a daily basis.

Many enter, but few remain in this world as the best ear plug as the ear impression process is cumbersome and non-direct. However, what you do receive when choosing custom hearing protection is unmatched on the market. When crafted correctly, every product creates a dynamic fit for the user’s ear that can’t be replicated by the squish and forget style ear plugs.

With custom ear plugs, you have a personal, handcrafted model that delivers unmatched quality and protection. Where other custom earplugs dominate in the market is in the market of in-ear custom stereo earplugs for music or communication purposes.

Custom Intra ear products create a seal and provide hearing protection all while more efficiently delivering your music fusing transducers.

The final product is unmatched on the market and something that we as unattached motorcycle riders, adventurers, and world travelers choose to use, and this is what make this the best ear plug stereo product on the market.

But DON’T take my word for it.

What I provided for you is a list of all the products available on the market.

Do as all great explorers, scientists, and adventurers do. Try them all. Get a feel for what works for you and decide to purchase whatever product makes your life a little easier.  I hope this article has given you a solid base of knowledge that you’ll use in your earplug purchasing endeavors. And then you will find the best ear plugs that work for you.

Since you’re here,  check out our products.

Big Ear represents the best ear plugs and is a premium solution. Our ear plugs are customized to fit the shape of your ear for maximum comfort and protection. The upfront cost is higher, but longevity, perfect sound attenuation, fit, and comfort are unmatched. They’re also more economical in the long-term because the average lifespan is ten years of constant use. You’ll never have to worry about hearing damage ever again.

Let me know how we can help you get the best product to solve your needs as you navigate through the Buying Cycle.

I’m here to help!


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